Curing Tank


Curing Tank

Standard Equipment Features

As per clause 3.3 of IS 516 (Methods of tests for Strength of Concrete) after the period of 24 hours, specimens of Cubes, cylinders, beams etc. shall be marked for later identification, removed from the moulds and, unless required for 24 hours, stored in clean water at a temp. of 25o C to 30o C until they are transported to the testing laboratory. On arrival at testing laboratory, the specimen shall be stored in clean water at a temp. of 27o C ± 2o C until the time of test. Records of the daily max. & Min. temperature shall be kept both during the period of specimen remain on the site and in the laboratory.

Specimen produced from harden concrete as per clause 4 of IS 1199, shall be placed in water at temp. of 25o C to 30o C for 48 hours before testing.

Temperature Range:

Temperature Range25o C to 30 o C
Accuracy± 2 o C